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It's a brand new year, and there's so much I wanna say about. I guess there's not much of a point to rant much about last year cause, things had already happened. Probably just summarise a little.
2010, freaking hectic year for me! Alevels was one of the core thing that packed me up for the entire year. One of the only examination that made me mug like crazy. I studied so much more than I ever did. Call me a nerd, I'm sure to agree, especially the period just before A's.
Nevertheless, months before A's, I still had an awesome life. Filled with plentiful of events and happenings!
There are a few groups of people that I would wanna thank them and god for giving them to me. For instance, the lunch clique/ retarded family in school. They gave me the support I always needed, they gave me help whenever I needed in school. They gave me whatever listening ear I needed. They hear me rant on and on, they see me cry, they endured my attitude problems, my moodswings and endured all my cold jokes. They are there when I needed them, studyingtogether with them are the best, we help each other, ALOT. And that's what I like about studying with them. I remember during prelim one, my results were really really bad. Really disappointed with the way my teacher treated me when I did very badly, I waspracticallycondemned. I thank god that OLLY and Anh was there for me, I was actually tearing when I told them about how I felt and also cried when I told them about season stuff. They were there, and they really understood whatever I was feeling. Then I got even more motivated to study and do better to prove my teacher. That's how I got the best improvement in prelim 2, also with yap always staying back and studying together with me. It works. I swear.
Although JC life had been really really short but I really enjoyed it. Who says we can't make trustworthy and close friends in JC? I choose to disagree. My JC friends are awesome, I lovethem, very bery much.

This year, I met a new group of friends, the TEKKOS. Awesome bunch of people that are always so cool about hanging out, chilling around, and consuming good food all the time. I love the way we eat, and how we spent all our money midnight cabs and good food. You guys are always there when I needed to confide into someone, especially baby. You are one of the few that I really love to talk to. Thank you guys for being so understanding with me, despite me meeting you guys lesser and lesser, but do know that I still love the whole lot of you!

Daphne, so much have happened in 2010. But I know you're happy now. And I hope you will always be happy. Do anything that makes you happy, I will always support whatever you do! I love you for who you are! You've seen me grow, seen me matured into whoever I am now. I know there are many things that you don't like me to do, but thank you for always still supporting me. Thank you for not giving me up, and always being there, being my pillar of support. (: The person that I love talking to, the person that I trust the most. The person that I have always been turning to. You are THAT important to me, my friend.
I love you very very much. (:
2011, here we go. I hope we will rock the year together and enjoy it to the fullest. Don't let me down cause I hope I won't let you down. Thanks for giving me a chance to have a better year ahead. Time to rock and roll. I love all my friends, I love my family. And I love my life now.
This year, it will be different. Very different.
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